2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Friday, March 1, 2013

REVIEW for Who Peed on My Yoga Mat?

Thank you to author Lela Davidson for sending me an electronic copy of her book.

TITLE:                  Who Peed on My Yoga Mat?

AUTHOR:              Lela Davidson

GENRE:                 Chick Lit/memoir


As soon as I saw the title of this book, I just knew that I had to read it. 

I don't have children, but I am a HUGE fan of "girl power" knowing just how hard it can be to have/raise children, work, maintain a marriage, friendships and, if you are lucky, some personal time for self.

This book takes a look at all of this through some absolutely wonderful essays.  Some are funny, some are quirky and all are kind of inspirational in their own right - making me/us believe that women can do it all.

As I said, I have no children and find myself exhausted with my life trying to keep all the balls in the air at the same time and I can't imagine how much harder this is when you throw children into the mix, but Who Peed on My Yoga Mat makes me smile and even managed to make me relax and smell the flowers a little bit.

The writing style is flowing and personal and this book was a great, great read.

1 comment:

Wall-to-wall books said...

Hmm sounds like it could be a cute read!

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