2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

REVIEW for Bridget Jones Mad about the Boy

TITLE:                   Bridget Jones, Mad about the Boy

AUTHOR:             Helen Fielding

GENRE:                 Fiction


Bridget Jones and Helen Fielding introduced me to chick lit all those years ago and I have been a lover ever since. Needless to say, as many other readers, I had literally been drooling at the thought of another Bridget Jones book (finally!!!).

Unfortunately, I was 'hit' with spoilers a few weeks ago - despite my best attempts NOT to read any and was extremely disappointed from that point on. Nonetheless, I pre ordered the book hoping, against hope that somehow the author could salvage something from her disastrous decision. I actually got the book on Tuesday and only read it the next day because I truly was no longer even excited about reading it.

The first few chapters had me completely confused - there is NO set up at all after all these years. We just get thrown right back into Bridget's life without being able to situate ourselves at all which I could have lived with -if the rest of the story wasn't such a disappointment.

For the first time in my life, as I read, I kept thinking 'Bridget shut up'. She wasn't witty, warm or fun - she sounded like a 30 year old living the life of a 51 year old woman, wishing she was 30.

There is no growth here, no humor, no life lessons and absolutely no warmth or fun.

I am so upset - I wanted this book to be brilliant -instead Fielding just went ahead and wrote the story SHE WANTED TO WRITE without giving one second of consideration for her readers. Nice Helen.

1 comment:

bermudaonion said...

I didn't really "get" the first Bridget Jones book so I probably won't read this one.

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