2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Friday, November 15, 2013


Thank you to Sourcebooks for accepting my NetGalley request.

TITLE:             Karma Gone Bad

AUTHOR:      Jenny Feldon

GENRE:         Memoir

RATING:       4 Stars

I have to be honest and start off this review by saying that the title is what drew me to this book in the first place.  I have a fascination with Karma and anything written on the subject, especially if it is in memoir format intrigues me.

While this book would not be considered a ‘highly spiritual’ piece of work,  one of the strongest aspects of this book is the interesting contrast between what the author ‘expected’ and what truly transpired and how, despite her best efforts to a) to change things which turned into b) give up to c) escape to d) ‘go with the flow’ – we do get a true snapshot at how destiny (karma?) always prevails – despite our best efforts to change this.
In between the deeper meaning, however, the anecdotes and, of course, the vivid (and sometimes scary) descriptions of life in India kept me completely engrossed in this story.

Having said that, I have to admit that the author got on my nerves at times – it seemed to me she had wayyyyy to much time on her hands and spent wayyyyy too much time whining, to the point where I questioned whether this marriage would survive.  Her husband, in many instances, was a saint to put up with her constant issues.
Still, this story is compelling and I found myself feeling for everyone involved at many given moments in this story.
Very interesting and a bit scary, but definitely a must read.


avisannschild said...

Great review, Tina -- makes me want to read the book!

avisannschild said...

Oh and I have a little Ganesh statue that looks very much like the one on the cover of this book -- which also makes me want to read the book!

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