2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

REVIEW for Plague Ship

TITLE:               Plague Ship

AUTHOR:            Leonard Goldberg

GENRE:              Thriller


I have always been a fan of Leonard Goldberg and I am thrilled to say that Plague Ship is yet another winner.

This book basically has absolutely everything I love in a good mecical adventure/thriller. It is set in a closed off and isolated from the world area (the cruise ship) - it features a very likeable main character (although I could do without Carolyn who feels more like window dressing in this one)and it has a plotline that is both extremely creepy and scary and totally possible.

Goldberg, being a doctor himself, can write medical stuff that even the most lay person can understand. His style is more of a 'direct and to the point' instead of the myriad of details that other writers of this genre tend to give. Basically, Goldberg opts for action and adventure instead of pages and pages of boring details.

The story is creepy (loved the references to the Titanic) and I absolutely enjoyed this book 100%. Now, I can't wait to read his next book.

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