2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

REVIEW for Pure Fake

Thank you to the wonderful James Lorimer and Company and Net Galley for sending me an electronic copy of this book.

TITLE:                Pure Fake

AUTHOR:          Beverly Scudamore

GENRE:             YA


When I saw this book, I immediately downloaded it as I knew I would be in for a great read as it continues off the "Love Hurts" book.

Pure Fake tackles a timely subject, especially when it comes to young adults, although many "adults" are guilty of this as well - "outward appearances are what count".

Gina, the main character thinks that literally "what glitters is gold" and even though she isn't even out of her teen age years yet, she has had plastic surgery and believes that if everything is perfect on the outside, life will be wonderful.  In fact, this is the kind of thinking that gets her involved with Colter - who, on paper, is the "perfect" boyfriend.

From the first sentences of this book, we are immediately drawn into Gina's world of "make believe" where everything has to be just perfect - at least from the outside.

It becomes very obvious, very quickly that Colter is NOT what he appears and through the story, we come to see just how horrendous this guy truly is (or continues to be).

What makes this story different for me is that although Gina is incredibly shallow, she does have moments where her inner voice speaks to her.  Granted, she fights this voice most of the time, but as the story progresses we get a glimpse of Gina actually starting to grow, especially as she finds herself immersed in teen violence and more specifically in an abusive relationship.

This book can be hard to read because it is gritty at times, which just adds to the realism of the story line.  Unfortunately, everything Gina goes through is all too possible and happens every day.

As always this series doesn't shy away from looking at contemporary issues which, in the past, would stay hidden and never discussed.

As always, I find these books so interesting and important and, as always, I find them too short.  However, these are important messages that need to be told and discussed openly and I love, love, this series.

Timely for young adults and adults - a "must" read.

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