2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

REVIEW for The Fever

Thank you to the wonderful people at Hachette Books Canada for sending me a copy of this book.

TITLE:             The Fever

AUTHOR:        Megan Abbott

GENRE:           YA


All I have heard is good stuff about this book, so I was absolutely thrilled when I got to read it.

I must comment on the cover - I LOVE IT. It basically portrays incredibly well the content of the book. Now, for the plot:

The author does a wonderful job of mixing both a pandemic and the scarier (???) part - being a young girl in a high school these days. The story focuses on 5 friends who go through the normal growing pains in high school - sex, acceptance and friendship. While they think that their biggest problems are about losing their virginity, it becomes apparent very quickly that mother nature and life can quickly change the rules - enter a scary and deadly pandemic.

I love how the author lulls us (and her characters) into thinking that the world is as it should be with high school drama, only to throw us all head long into a seriously scary and creepy situation that may or may not have a good ending. The descriptions in this book of the "event" are so well done, I found myself actually looking for "the signs" and actually had to skip a few lines here and there because I was feeling a bit stressed out at reading them - I love it!!!!

Very well written - creepy as heck.


bermudaonion said...

I really liked this book too. It's not being marketed as YA in the US.

Sharon said...

You know what I'm gonna say........lol. Looks like my kinda read!! ;) And you make it sound so good!

Wall-to-wall books said...

Oh wow!
I may have to go get this one!
Great review!

Laura at Library of Clean Reads said...

Heard so much about this one. Several have said it was creepy. I'm not into creepy but I may try it.

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