2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Friday, July 4, 2014

REVIEW for After I Do

Thank you to the wonderful people at Simon & Schuster for offering me a copy of this e book.

TITLE:             After I Do

AUTHOR:        Taylor Jenkins Reid

GENRE:           Contemporary Fiction


I have never been married and, to be honest, I have always kind of wondered if the people who have been married for a long time are still happy and in love or just staying where they are out of habit (read: boring).

Well, this novel focuses on exactly that. Lauren and Ryan are struggling in their marriage and instead of just divorcing they decide to live apart (different lives) for a year and re-evaluate at the end of this year.  Honestly, I don't know if I would have gone this route personally, but the year that followed certainly made for an interesting read.

It is hard to write this review without giving away spoilers, but I loved the story - once these two separated.  Both experience the fear, ups and downs, freedom, insecurities and every thing else that comes with leaving someone behind and trying to find yourself and ultimately if you still love that one person.

The writing felt honest to me and while there were a few instances where I found myself rolling my eyes a bit, I did really, enjoy this novel.

In the end, I wasn't sure if I was rooting for them to get back together or not - but I will leave it at that as I don't want to give away the ending.

1 comment:

bermudaonion said...

I've got her first book to read. I've heard it's cute too.

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