2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

REVIEW for 30 Essential Yoga Poses

Thank you, thank you Linda at Rodmell Press for sending me these absolutely beautiful books!!!

TITLE: 30 Essential Yoga Poses

AUTHOR: Judith Lasater, PH.D, P.T.
RATING: 5 Stars
I am in love with this book! I have discovered yoga about one year ago and I instantly fell in love with the whole concept. Since then, I have discovered some really great yoga books, but I have to say that the Rodmell Press series of yoga books is one of the best I have ever seen.
30 Essential Yoga Poses is another entry into the genre that is absolutely perfect for us yoga students who have some good basic yoga fundamentals, but are still trying to "better" the poses. This book is loaded with descriptions of the 30 essential poses, along with lots and lots of color pictures detailing how to do the poses correctly.
What I also enjoyed (and greatly appreciated) was the fact that for most of the poses, the author also included variations on the pose. This is especially important for anybody who may have stiff body parts and need to get a little more limber before doing the pose "completely" There was also a detailed look at the importance of yoga props and how they fit into the overall picture.
This book is a complete "course" within itself - I have rarely seen a yoga book that explained so well the poses and the correct posture for each.
This is perfect, perfect. I loved it!!!


Meg89 said...

I went to my first yoga class this week. I enjoyed it, but I'm not sure I could do it as a solo activity, unless I had a recording to tell me what to do!

Wall-to-wall books said...

OOO, maybe I'll get this one for my daughter too!
Thanks for the great review!

Kristie said...

Do you think this would be a good book for someone who has never tried yoga before?

darbyscloset said...

Wow, I am yoga lost and this book sounds like a lifesaver....my poses are all over the place. Thanks for reviewing, first I have heard of it!
darbyscloset at yahoo dot com

Sue A. said...

I think I’d also prefer to follow a video/dvd at least to get me started. I’m that way about cooking too. I need step by step directions and I would prefer video or at very least I’d need lots of pictures.

Tina said...

Hi Kristie: Yes, definitely - even if you have not done yoga before - the book shows variations on the poste which will be very helpful!

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