2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Friday, January 23, 2009

REVIEW for Ressurection Blues

Thank you very much to AnnickPress for sending me this great book!

TITLE: Resurrection Blues

AUTHOR: Mark Tanner

RATING: 4 Stars

Resurrection Blues was a very interesting book to read. I have always wondered about how it feels to be "on the road" in a band. Somehow it seems so romantic and it is for a time for Flynn. At first, he is seduced by the action, the rush of being on stage and of doing "live, paid gigs".

Throughout most of the books, author Tanner does a fine job of walking a fine line between describing the various on the road gigs that Flynn and his bandmates perform and also showing us the more personal, family side of Flynn.

It is obvious, as the book goes on, that the family side seems to be decreasing in importance as the gigs and the music and all that it encompasses start to take over Flynn's life.I liked the fact that the author does not make Flynn out to be either a really good guy or a really bad guy, but rather makes him very human and subject to poor choices and moral issues.

As the book progresses, we find Flynn having to figure out what has become of him and what he wants for his future. There is no clear black and white here - however, there is a moral compass that Flynn seems to be searching for.

The story is compelling, although the first few chapters were a little slow. I liked the descriptions of what life is on the road and the author hardly makes it romantic.

This is a down to earth look at the hard choices that we all have to make at some point in our life.


Kristie said...

I imagine that life on the road is not as romantic and great like everyone thinks it is. Things rarely are what they seem.

Sue A. said...

I don’t think I’ve ever romantised being on the road, having gone on enough family road trips to have that knocked out of my head. I’m also not someone wanting the limelight so I’m wondering if there’s anything left for me to empathize with the main character.

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