2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Friday, January 16, 2009

REVIEW for The Art of Social War

Thank you Deanna! For being so kind and sending this book along to me for review!!!
TITLE: The Art of Social War
AUTHOR: Jodi Wing
GENRE: Chick Lit
DATE: 2008
RATING: 3 Stars
I am a confirmed chick lit freak! and I have gone on the record as mourning the apparent demise of the genre. I was thrilled when I discovered The Art of Social War, a first novel by author Jodi Wing.
I liked the basic premise of this chick lit - if you can't join them - beat them - but in a subtle, smart way - hence the references to Sun Tzu's The Art of War. I had never really paid much attention to the original Art of War, but after reading this book, it made me interested in discovering more! This is just another example of how the book world can expand everyone's horizons - I mean, a chick lit book got me interested in reading the classic the Art of War!!!!
However, back to our chick lit book. Our main character Stacey has just gotten married and finds herself living in la-la-land that is Hollywood - she also finds herself pitted up against an old movie studio and all that the movie biz entails - things are not going smoothly and after an extremely long period of "poor me, poor me", Stacey decides to fight smart!
I liked this chick lit, but I found that the whole self-pity, trying desperately to fit in went on for too long. I finally cheered when Stacey finally figured it out! I like my chick lit to have strong-willed, smart heroines! I also thought that the story moved at a slow pace at times - which removed some of the fun for me.
On the other hand, the writing was fun and some of the situations were deliciously set up. I don't know if its because I am getting older! but I found the print in my copy of this book to be sooooo tiny -
This was a good read.


Wall-to-wall books said...

I love Chick-Lit! But I do find myself almost always saying "Come on, enough is enough already!" Then she finally pulls through in almost every book. I still love it though.

Alea said...

Hehe this sounds good! Some books do have really tiny copy, especially extremely long classics!

Anonymous said...

I got a chuckle out of the part about the print in the book. I'm at that age, too.

Luanne said...

Love it - a new chick lit author to add to my list!

Meljprincess said...

This book appeals to me greatly! I love chick-lit and stories that take place in Hollywood. I know what you mean about small print, Tina. I have to remove my glasses to read everything. Especially small print! Yes, I need bifocals. Ugh! I'm getting old. lol!

Kristie said...

I love reading books about Hollywood and the like so this one sounds right up my alley. Great review!

darbyscloset said...

Boy you have been on a roll lately with your reviews!!! What a great start to the new year!
Thanks for sharing,
darbyscloset at yahoo dot com

Sue A. said...

I was confused for a second about the title because it was familiar. Thanks for elaborating and clearing the confusion.

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