2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

REVIEW for Yoga Chick

A huge thank you goes out to Miriam at Hachette Books. She is an absolute joy to work with!!!!
TITLE: Yoga Chick
AUTHOR: Bess Gallanis
GENRE: Health/Yoga
RATING: 5 Stars
I have been doing yoga and pilates for almost a year now. I have been fascinating with reading books on the subject of yoga in order to discover more about this art. Yoga Chick, A Hip Guide to Everything OM is absolutely perfect for anyone who is just discovering yoga and has questions.
First off, the cover of this book really impressed me - I love the concept of thinking of myself as a yoga chick and the bright purple just felt inspiring and uplifting. The book starts off with a 101 primer of yoga. It briefly explains its beginnings and segways directly into the basics you will need in order to start doing your poses.
In the Getting Started section, there are descriptions of some of the more basic poses (with a cute little drawing of the actual pose). I also really enjoyed the yoga poses that can be done directly on your bed - first thing in the morning if you are not in the mood to do a full practice at 5:00 am.
There is a brief look at our various chakras - where they are situated and what they represent. There is also a section on meditation and journaling.
Basically, this book really is a wealth of information for anyone who is just starting out. It is encouraging us to take charge of our health and to encompass healthier habits (including eating habits) with a more spiritual journey.
I loved this book - well researched and covers off any and all subjects remotely related to yoga - it is a bible for those just starting out.


Wall-to-wall books said...

Thanks for this review!
This looks really good.
I might buy this one for my daughter.
She is just getting interested in Yoga.
And I agree - Great cover!

Wall-to-wall books said...

Ha ha ha!
I just noticed the letters for the "word verification" were - sorebu
if you added an "m" it would be kinda Yoga appropriate! sore bum!

Diana Dang said...

The cover is pretty! But sadly I'm not into yoga.

Kristie said...

I have always wanted to try yoga but never have. This book sounds like a great place to start!

Nutz4reading said...

I have tried Yoga myself and have had difficulty with doing it. This book sounds like something that may help me do it on my own. I have been doing Yoga with the Wii fit and that does help me do the poses better then I use too.

Sue A. said...

I should probably get into yoga, but haven't found the incentive to do so.

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