2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

REVIEW for Houston We Have a Problema

Another big - huge thank you to Miriam at Hachette Books


TITLE: Houston, We Have a Problema
AUTHOR: Gwendolyn Zepeda
GENRE: Chick Lit
DATE: January 2009
RATING: 2 Stars

Okay, this is chick lit, so you know that I AM SO THERE. So, it was with huge enthusiasm that I started Houston We Have a Problema. Unfortunately, this book just did not deliver what I had hoped.

Although it is not horrible by any means, it left me with very little impression after I was done with it. Even now, as I write this review, I keep having to go back to the book for reference - its like I did not retain much of the storyline.

This storyline features all the staples of a chick lit, a somewhat confused main character (Luna), a break up and a new romance and job woes. Except that, for me, none of these meshed together as they should have.

Luna was, frankly, annoying for the most part. She seems completely incapble of making a decision - which is partly what the storyline is based on - but it got to be too much after a bit. Everything else just felt too pat and tried to me.

I don't expect high art when I read chick lit, all I want is to be entertained and, unfortunately, this book did nothing of the kind for me.


Diana Dang said...

That's interesting to hear. I thought it wasn't so bad myself. (Going to have a review up about it today or tomorrow).

Anonymous said...

Sorry this book didn't work for you.

Wall-to-wall books said...

Oh no - again? Ugh! Two bad books in a row.

Wall-to-wall books said...

I gave you a blog award! Come check out my blog to get the info.

Kristie said...

I understand what you are saying. Whenever I can't "connect" with the main character, it always make me not like the book that much. Here's to hoping the next one is much better!

S. Krishna said...

Hmm...I've been hearing mixed reviews about this one. I don't think I'll be reading it.

Luanne said...

Too bad it was a letdown - the cover looked great!

darbyscloset said...

Wow, I had requested to review this book, glad I wasn't one of them picked! I think the title is cute thou!
Thanks for the heads up!
darbyscloset at yahoo dot com

Sue A. said...

This is the first I've heard of this book.

Nutz4reading said...

I think the title of the book would gain my interest but after reading your review I am not sure about it now. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Yan said...

I can't read books with annoying characters ughh. Thanks for the heads-up!

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