2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Friday, January 9, 2009

REVIEW for Rock Bottom

Thank you Miriam and Hachette Books!!!

TITLE: Rock Bottom

AUTHOR: Michael Shilling

GENRE: Novel/Fiction

RATING: 2 Stars

I had high hopes for Rock Bottom. I love books detailing the lives of rock bands - I love all the juicy backstage stuff and all the stories of excess and I don't care if its fiction or not. Rock Bottom is a novel about a band called Blood Orphans. Author Shilling doesn't hold back in describing the lives of a rock band on the brink of self-desctruction.

I am sure he had quite a few 'real life' bands to base some of his adventures on. Most of the book is spent detailing the debauchery that the members of this band are living and some of the descriptions are actually both amazing and chocking.

As the band starts to implode, the members are hoping to starve off total destruction by trying to 'reform' which does not really go anywhere. That is the problem with this novel. None of the characters are likeable and I did not feel as though any of them were committed to anything other than their own pleasures. That would have been fine if this book was about that - but unfortunately, the author does not appear to be heading in that direction - he seems to want to give his characters some redeeming factors and it does not work.

Also, although I have no problem with profanity or sex descriptions, I felt as though this book was loaded with these and with very little else. The plotline is thin and the characters are not likeable.

I don't really know where this book was trying to go, but it never got there.


Anonymous said...

Sorry this book didn't work for you. :(

Sue A. said...

I only read character driven books, so this wouldn't be my kind of book.

Wall-to-wall books said...

Wow, this is three poor books in a row! You need to get out of your funk.

darbyscloset said...

Now I saw this one too, yet didn't request...hats off to you for hanging in there!!!
Thanks for sharing
darbyscloset at yahoo dot com

Kristie said...

Sorry the book fell flat. Here's to hoping better ones in the near future!

Nutz4reading said...

I guess that is a book I won't be picking up anytime soon. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the book.

Yan said...

Try Audrey, Wait! by Robin Benway. Or I Wanna Be your Joey Ramone next. I've only read Audrey, Wait! and found it to be quite good. I think both of these YA books have to do something with music...?

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