2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

REVIEWS for Last Chance Millionaire AND Missed Fortune 101

Thank you very much Miriam at Hachette books for sending these two books to me!!! You are the best, as always!!!!

TITLE: The Last Chance Millionaire and Missed Fortune 101

AUTHOR: Douglas R. Andrew

GENRE: Personal Finance

RATING: 3 Stars

Last Chance Millionaire and Missed Fortune 101 were interesting reads for me. I am not part of the boomers, but I have certainly started obsessing over my retirement and the wealth I have accumlated. This is a subject that has become more and more important as this economy tanks.

Author Andrew takes a very detailed look at how we can accumulate wealth($$) even if we are starting late or from a position less than ideal. Andrew details and explains at length the influence certain factors have over our savings. These are: Compound Interest, Tax-favored accumulation and positive-safe leverage. Andrew also tackles the more "standard" suggestions that we find commonly in most "how to save" books - such as paying down your mortgage, debt, etc.While some of the ideas in these books were novel and interesting, I did not feel as though these books were written for the average investor/saver. I often felt as though what I was reading was somewhat over my head and these books, at times, felt more like it was written for the business world or at least for the people who work in high finance.

Still, I did manage to get some interesting suggestions and I did feel inspired to re-arrange some of my current investments.


Anonymous said...

Figuring out how to invest money is so difficult. Good luck!

Kristie said...

Sometimes when I read finance books, it seems like the same old suggestions just reworded. Yet I continue to read hoping to be inspired!

Nutz4reading said...

I always start to read books like that but then I start to get confused myself about what I am reading.

Wall-to-wall books said...

I have never even looked at books like these. Well... I am also not even close to being a millionaire. HMMM, maybe I should pick up one of those books!

Sue A. said...

Good for you for taking control. I prefer to bury my head in the sand.

Yan said...

ehh I don't think I'm going to dwell in these types of books >.<

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