2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

REVIEW for The Agency

A very big thank you goes out to Sarah at St.Martin's Press - who is very cool and very generous!

TITLE: The Agency

AUTHOR: Ally O'Brien

GENRE: Chick Lit

RATING; 4 Stars

The Agency by Ally O'Brien is definitely my type of book. I am a huge chick lit fan and this book definitely fits perfectly in the chick lit genre, with the exception that The Agency even offers up a mystery that needs to be solved - but I am getting ahead of myself.

We meet Tess Drake - my absolute favorite type of main character. She is fierce and determined and knows what she wants - and she intends on getting it. I certainly won't be complaining here about a main character that gets stepped all over and can't figure her way out of a paper bag.

This novel has everything sex (lots of that), drugs (quite a lot of that) but more importantly it is entertaining. This inside look at the entertainment business - starting in the boardroom and ending up in bedroom is a fun and dirty romp into the slightly "naughty type literature" that I always associate with Jacqueline Susann. There is quite alot of swearing in this book and the author does not use quite names to refer to body parts - so if you offend easily - this is not the book for you.

But if you are looking for a down to earth and realistic look at the world of show business - and all the dirty little secrets that come with it and if you love to read about a woman who knows what she wants and will not take "no" for an answer then this is the book for you. What an entertaining read. I LOVED IT


Wall-to-wall books said...

You know... I have seen this book many times and never knew it was a chick-lit! I think someone was even giving it away and I didn't even try to win. You know I love chick-lit too! Now I will have to check this one out.

Unknown said...

I loved this book!

bermudaonion said...

I won this in a contest and I'm really looking forward to receiving it and reading it.

Wrighty said...

I really enjoyed this one too. Nice review!

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