2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

REVIEW for Sleepwalking at Midnight

TITLE: Sleepwalking at Midnight

AUTHOR: Elizabeth Flock

GENRE: Contemporary Fiction

RATING: 2 Stars

was a little deceived by the serenity of the cover on this book. Unfortunately or fortunately, I am one of those people who judge a book (partially) by its cover and, for some reason, this cover made me think this book would be more towards chick lit.It is NOT in the least an light and airy read, as a matter of fact, I found this book to be extremely depressing and difficult to read.This book redefines the term dysfunctional family.

The mother, Samantha is carpooling and having an affair because she is beyond bored with her life. Her husband hasn't wanted sex in forever and she feels as though life is passing her by.Her daughter Samantha is 17 and feeling as though life is pretty hopeless. She does drugs and has sex in an attempt to escape her reality.

The storyline focuses on the two female characters and how they are both suffering and the fact that, in some ways, they should be turning to each other for support and help.Unfortunately, this book did not work for me in the least. Some of it is incredible typical and has been done and redone so many times that it feels old - the storyline between mother and daughter could have been interesting but neither of the characters seem particularly interested in the other - except if it means their needs.I have to say that this book left me depressed and I really could not get into it.


Reyna Meinhardt said...

Wow, that does sound depressing. Thanks for the honest review anyways!

bermudaonion said...

I agree - the cover of a book is important - and makes a first impression. Sorry this book didn't work for you.

cindysloveofbooks said...

This is on my TBR pile now I am not so anxious to get to it now. Thanks for the review Tina.

avisannschild said...

Sorry to hear this one didn't work for you, Tina! I considered requesting it, but decided against it. Now I'm just as glad. It does sound depressing.

Anonymous said...

I like your honest review on how this novel just didn't work for you. As much as we want to like every book we read it just isn't possible.

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