2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Views from Montreal

It has been snowing and snowing here! last week, we had a small snowstorm and I thought I would use my new digital camera and take a few shots:

This is a shot of the sidestreets with the glorious trees!

Another beautiful tree...

And this is the queen of the household taking in the sun!!!!


Diana Dang said...

Oh ya, Ontario is pretty deep with snow too at the moment. It's snowing very lightly right now.

Anonymous said...

It's been cold here, but no snow for us. Our dog hunts for the sun or a lap all day long.

Ania said...

Wow, it's spring here in Vancouver! What will we do if we have anything super crazy like *snow* here during the winter olympics next year? I think it will have to be cancelled! I do like a white-covered world every now and again, though.

Wall-to-wall books said...

Hi, nice kitty!
We went to our cabin in the Adirondacks for the weekend and there was 4 feet of snow!
Check out my blog for pics.

Kathy W said...

We didn't even see a trace of snow here. Had a ice storm though. Not as pretty as snow. =) Hope your staying warm.

Kristie said...

Are you as sick of the snow as I am? I live in Michigan, not far from Detroit and we just got another snow storm this weekend. I am so ready for spring!

Teddy Rose said...

Beautiful photos! We had a few sun shine days here in Vancouver and it has warmed up. Yesterday and today were mostly rain.

What A nice thrown you queen has. My queen is sitting on my lab right now.

Reyna Meinhardt said...

Looks freezing! I am in Florida with my family right now, but am going to be heading back to the cold pretty soon! At least the worst of it will be over ;)

Melwyk said...

Beautiful! You're making me homesick. :)
Pretty cat in the sunshine too!

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