2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

REVIEW for The ABC's of Kissing Boys

A big thank you goes out to Jenny for sending me this great little book!

AUTHOR: Tina Ferraro

RATING: 4 Stars

I really enjoyed reading Ferraro's previous book - How to Hook a Hottie so I was thrilled to discover that she had released The ABC's of Kissing Boys. First off, I liked the cover of this book - I thought it was quite perfect for the storyline. Ferraro writes cute and charming stories and The ABC's of Kissing Boys is no exception.

We meet Parker - she loves soccer and has done so for all of her life. She is great on the field and fully expected to get "promoted" on the field with the rest of her team (some of who also happen to be her best friends). But things take a nasty turn when she discovers that she is being "bumped" off the team because of an upperclassman who swoops in at the last minutes. Parker then spends the rest of the storyline basically conspiring and plotting an absolutely ridiculous scheme to get her "back" on the team. Noticed that I say ridiculous, because really - the plot consists of basically getting into a kissing booth - making lots of money, catching the soccer teacher into a twisted logic and then ultimately being asked to join the soccer team again.

Yes, this whole plotline sounds silly and frankly, it is. Parker spends a good chunk of the book enlisting people's help in teaching her to "kiss" properly and the whole thing does kind of get a little silly - especially since she is enlisting the help of some guys who are a tad older and should know a little better. Yet, it is this silliness that works so well in the book. There is a trace of innocence here (on the part of most of the characters) that is kind of refreshing - and different.

Needless to say, sex is far, far from the reality here and that is kind of a nice change of pace. As much as this book is quite innocent, there are aspects that the author has decided to highlight that are less so. The almost maniacal need for Parker to "fit in" with her "so called" best friends. The somewhat callous way some of these bff treat her and the way in which Parker does not seem to be able to forge her own identity are very valid subjects that the author does explore.

The writing is very down to earth and fun and I liked the character of Parker alot. This book is cute and charming and deserves a read.


Wall-to-wall books said...

This looks like a great book for teens!
I will have to recommend the library getting it for our YA section.
Thanks for the great review!

bermudaonion said...

This does look like a fun read. Great review.

TinaFerraro said...

Hello, Tina, I came upon this through a Google Search, and I'd like to thank you for your insights and support!

Thanks for pointing out that I lean mostly toward personal internal stuggles in my books. I'm a mom of teens, and as I do with my own kids, I like to present the varied aspects of figuring out who you are and what you want in life.

Wendy, please do recommend my books to your YA librarian, and add that I'm happy to send bookmarks, upon request. I can be reached at admin@tinaferraro.com.

Thanks again!

Reyna Meinhardt said...

That sounds like a really good book! And, I agree, the cover is pretty neat!

I like your idea Wendy, to recommend the library getting it! I will have to do that as well!

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