TITLE: Girl to the Core
AUTHOR: Stacey Goldblatt
RATING: 3 Stars
I am a big fan of YA and I especially like any type of novels that encourage "girl power" which is why I was extremely attracted to this book.
We meet Molly who is dating Trevor, but she is not liking the direction this relationship is heading into, especially since she feels some peer pressure to go further than she is willing to go. Trevor is caught making out with his ex and Molly walks away from him - but she feels guilty inside, thinking that it is her fault that he went back to his ex - at the same time feeling hearbroken and scared.
Molly finds some comfort at a Girl Corps Club and the more time she spends with these young girls, the more she starts finding herself and her inner strength. Unfortunately, this is not liked by everyone around Molly and the second part of this novel focuses on Molly trying to find her voice AND her place in her life.
I thought the message here was very well portrayed. Molly has felt penalized for standing by her convictions and, later as she finds inner strength, she realizes that she is allowed to stand by her convictions and do what she feels is best for her.
The stories of Molly and the little girls and the interaction between them was cute and very well written and certainly gave a clear voice to this novel.
The one problem I had with this novel was the speed - its kind of slow pace and I knew that I was in trouble from the first few sentences - I am glad that I read through the book because it is fun, but it could have moved at a wayyyyyyy faster pace.
It's too bad the story is slow, because it sounds like it has a great message. I love the cover too.
I don't mind novels that move at a slow pace when they were written about a hundred years ago, because then the slow pace has a kind of charm to it. But I don't think books written in the current day that move at a really slow pace.
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