2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

REVIEW for Black Friday

A big, big thank you to one of my favoritie publicists! ADAM!!!!
TITLE: Black Friday
AUTHOR: Alex Kava
GENRE: Thriller
RATING: 4 Stars
I am hot and cold on Alex Kava - although, for the most part, I have enjoyed them. The firs thing I noticed about this book was the cover - its perfect and absolutely creepy and scary! The down escalotor into a blaze of fire!!! Perfect.
This novel once again features Maggie O'Dell - who is called in to assist after an absolutely horrific act of terrorism (domestic) is committed at one of the busiest malls in the country, on the busiest shopping Day of the year (hence the title).
This book is seriously scary and had me thinking that this could happen absolutely anywhere at anytime - especially if we factor in the idealistic and easily influenced young adults - which is what this book is partly based on. This mass murder is actually committed by a group of young adults who have been influenced by the Project Manager - a mysterious figure who somehow gets away with the deed. There are alot of dead bodies and although the author does not go into huge, huge details, she gives us enough to make us use our imagination about what the end effect of bombing a mall would be. This is a strength with this author - less is more as she asks the reader to use their imagination.
Maggie, as always is very likeable and between herself, Nick and a supporting team, will work towards finding the "mastermind". There are some neat little twists in this story and I thought that was a nice touch. I could have done with less romance between Nick and Maggie as I thought it removed from the core story.
I am also a little confused as to the ending which gives us the "whoddunnit" but had me wondering about some of the loose ends. Still, this was a weekend read that I enjoyed and look forward to more books by Kava.
Having said that, I am not sure that I will be entering any malls between now and December 31, 2009 - too scary.


bermudaonion said...

Oh my gosh, that is scary because it sounds so real.

Lenore Appelhans said...

My cousin is really into Alex Kava, though I've never read her. Maybe I should start with this one!

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