2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

REVIEW for What We Say Matters

I love every book that is published by Rodmell Press and a big thank you goes out to Linda for sending me this book!

TITLE: What we Say Matters:

AUTHOR: Judith Hanson Lasater and Ike Lasater

GENRE: Spiritual

RATING: 4 Stars

I love anything written by Judith Hanson Lasater and this book was a very pleasant surprise as it deals with a subject matter that I really read about - Empathy and nonviolent communication. Ever since I have discovered yoga, I have also tried to listen more to my inner voice and realized just how negative and at times, hurtful, my thoughts can be. I seriously believe that this translates into my thoughts affecting my moods, my body, my spirit and everything outside of me - i.e. how I deal with people and situations.

Reading What We Say Matters was an eye opener and actually confirmed alot of things that I always suspected. I like that the authors compare speech to spirituality and argue that both can be combined in a nonviolent and loving manner.

They encourage us to use compassion and to cultivate this compassion in every interaction that we have both with the outside world and with our internal communications.

Written almost from a personal level, the authors share some of their stories and give us englightment as to how to apply a kinder, gentler way in our communications - which starts internally with ourselves.

1 comment:

Wall-to-wall books said...

Yes, this book sounds excellent! I know quite a few people this book could help! I too like books like this.

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