2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

REVIEW for The Secret of Joy

In full disclosure mode, I have to say a big, big thank you to author Melissa Senate for sending me a copy of her new book!

TITLE: The Secret of Joy

AUTHOR: Melissa Senate

GENRE: Contemporary Fiction

RATING: 4 Stars

Author Melissa Senate is one of MY absolute favorite authors. I have been reading her books for some time and I do mean ALL of them and I have yet to find one that I did not love. I first discovered Melissa through the Red Dress Ink series and have followed her career ever since.

Senate writes beautifully sentimental and poignant books and while I must admit that I STILL love her chick lit books the most, I absolutely adored The Secret of Joy which is a contemporary fiction, but not a chick lit.

In The Secret of Love, we discover two wonderfully strong, different and appealing main characters - at first they are strangers to each other, but they will unite through a shocking secret - they are half-sisters and immediately from the beginning of the novel - we get a very strong idea of just how different these two "sisters" are. This only adds another layer of complexity in a novel that offers us layer after layer of secrets, sentimentality and most of all of discovery.

Rebecca is the "all together one" - until her dad tells her a secret on his death bed - "you have a half sister and I need you to deliver these letters to her". Rebecca, ever the good daughter is stunned but agrees - except that Joy is anything but thrilled, yet the two sisters manage to find some kind of middle ground to try to build on. However, surprisingly, Rebecca will discover where (and with whom) her true destiny lies - thanks to Joy. Who knew that her father's secret would turn out to be a blessing in her life?

Touching, sentimental and absolutely riveting. As I write this, I am rethinking of some of the passages and they make me teary eyed.

I recommend this book very, very highly!

and I have a personal plea to the author...Melissa, how about another chick lit?????? please, pretty please with a lot of sugar on top???


Wall-to-wall books said...

Believe it or not, I have not read any "Red dress Ink"! I know, I know! I need to. I have also not read any of this Author. I will put her on my TBR list! Thanks for the recommendation.

cindysloveofbooks said...

Sounds like a really good book Tina. I will have to check this author out.

bermudaonion said...

I'm not familiar with Senate's work, but this one seems to be getting rave reviews, so I definitely want to give it a try.

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