2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Friday, January 22, 2010

REVIEW for Milkrun

Thank you Adam! for sending me this chick lit!
TITLE: Milkrun

AUTHOR: Sarah Mlynowski

GENRE: Chick Lit
RATING: 3 Stars
I am a huge, huge fan of chick lit and Milkrun was an entry into the Red Dress Ink series originally. Now, it can be found under the MIRA label. Milkrun is a pretty typical chick lit - introducing us to angst ridden Jackie - who is young and in love with a man who decides he needs to "find" himself in Thailand. Then one day, he suddenly tells her that he is dating another woman in Thailand - this, apparently, is carte blance for Jackie to start dating her head off!!!!
Follows a story of Jackie and her friends embracing dating and more specifically, naviguating the dating scene detail by detail. While I loved part of this book, mainly the humor and the re-telling of mismatched dates and the guys that offer them (loved, loved this part) I also found the main character to be, at times, extremely annoying. She does not seem to be able to live in the real world for very long and tended to go off on tangents and daydreams that were a little ridiculous and at the same time, annoying as they seem to function solely to remove her from the reality of what was going on around her.
Still, the storyline was engaging enough (and yes, I did see the end coming) that it kept me reading until the end.
I enjoy chick lit so much, that I can suspend my disbelief, for the most part.


Booksnyc said...

I actually have a copy of this book from when it was published by Red Dress Ink (I always relied on RDI for my chick lit selections, sorry to see them go away).

Thanks for your review - I must work this into the TBR!

bermudaonion said...

Thanks for your review, but I think I'll skip this one.

Wall-to-wall books said...

Ah, I own this book!
But I haven't read it yet!
So thanks for the review.

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