2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

REVIEW for The Last Wild Place

Another wonderful book from the great people at Fitzhenry & Whiteside!
TITLE: The Last Wild Place
AUTHOR: Rosa Jordan
GENRE: Children Boook
RATING: 4 Stars
What an absolutely enchanting book. The Last Wild Place is aimed at children (middle age) and is a refreshing, charming and informative look at the word of friendship and animals. Chip is feeling pretty sad and lonely, but one day he discovers a beautiful family of panthers - they have been displaced and feel as down and confused as Chip.
Chip identifies with them, but when he discovers that their lives are endanger, Chip rallies everyone he can find to help with his plan to make sure the Panthers are protected. This story was incredibly touching and gave me goose bumps. I love the way the story is told as we see so many similarities between the panthers and Chip. Chip is an adorable character and this story is absolutely terrific.
If you are a fan of animals, then this book is for you. The writing is perfect for middle aged children and you will find yourself falling into the story yourself.


Wall-to-wall books said...

Awww cute book. It has a sweet cover too!

bermudaonion said...

Sounds like a sweet story! I think my son would have loved it.

Donna said...

Sounds really cute. Nice review, Tina!

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