2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

REVIEW for The Mayo Clinic Diet Book

Thank you to Anna at FSB Associates for sending me a copy of this great book!

TITLE: The Mayo Clinic Diet
AUTHOR: Mayo Clinic and Donald Hensrud
GENRE: Health/Fitness
RATING: 4 Stars
First, I have to say that this is one of the most beautiful diet books I have ever seen. It is full of color and has some great pictures! It actually made me happy to just read the book - this was a great start for me! I am NOT a believer in fad diets - they don't work AND they are unhealthy for us. Fortunately, that is also the premise of The Mayo Clinic Diet.
This book clearly explains the reasons we get fat - and does so in a friendly user way - bypassing the boring scientific stuff and putting on a level we can all understand. The book starts off by easing you into losing 10 lbs in the first few weeks - by modifying one unhealthy behaviour at a time. Then, it continues by amending, tweaking and continuing these good eating/moving habits as a new lifestyle change that is permanent.
There is a lot of detail in this book - and lots of great pictures and tips. While there is no groundbreaking new information, it is all well presented and very, very inspiring.
There are a few recipes towards the back of the book, but really, this is really about modifying our lifestyles - instead of the quick diet fads that don't work. Loved, loved, this book.
I also received the "Journal" that goes with the book. The Journal is also beautiful and comes in spiral form, which is great for carrying to the gym. The only thing - there is actually too much information in the Journal. I like my Journals to be about recording your successes! which this one has - but there are also too many other things in the book. In this case, less would have been more.

Nonetheless, I am using the Journal and it is a good tool.

1 comment:

Mary (Bookfan) said...

Nice review, I'll be looking for the book!

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