2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Monday, March 1, 2010

REVIEW for The Diet Joke

Thank you to author Lisa Pedace for sending me this book!

TITLE: The Diet Joke

AUTHOR: Lisa Pedace

GENRE: Health

RATING: 4 Stars

As many of you know, I have an eating disorder and one of the things that I have learned early on is that any eating changes you make are permanent and therefore become lifestyle changes. This is, in part, why I chose to review this book - the title itself The Diet Joke attracted me to the book - because, frankly, I do not think that 3 month diets work - its a bit of a joke to believe that it can.

So, kudos to Lisa for recognizing that publishing the latest "diet" book du jour is not the way to go, but rather looking at it on the long term is the way to go.

While I can't say that there were any earth shattering new revelations in this book, I liked that it was no-nonense and all about facing the reality of our lives - if you want to loose weight, get healthy then there are things that you need to do and these are found in this nifty and handy book.

I have to admit that the author takes an absolutely hilarious look at our whole fascination with the weight loss industry and weight loss world and my favorite had to be the "What Las Vega and the diet industry have in common". Loved it.

This book takes a serious subject matter and turns it on its ear - while still delivering its message of health and fitness.

Very good read!

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