2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

REVIEW for Secrets at St-Jude's Drama Girl

Another big, big thank you goes out to author Carmen Reid for so kindly sending me this book (and the previous ones) in this wonderful series!

TITLE: Secrets at St-Jude's Drama Girl

AUTHOR: Carmen Reid


RATING: 4 Stars

I have read every book in the Secrets at St-Jude's series and each one is better than the last. Author Reid has managed to create characters that are smart, endearing and with extremely distinct personalities - which makes reading each book fun and interesting - you never know what is going to happen next and, thanks to the diversed personalities involved, you can always be sure that it will be entertaining.

In Drama Girl, we find that the girls are back - and this book is different in that Gina's friends from the US and Scotland will actually get to meet for the first time - with a very interesting outcome. Let us not forget the "other" drama going on - in between Gina's boyfriend, school plays and jealousy - there is truly a lot of drama going on - and somehow, Gina is smack in the middle of it all. I love this series so much and I adore reading about the direction each girl is taking.

What does not work as well for me is the relationship between Gina and her boyfriend. Ever since the last book, I get the impression that Gina is extremely on the "fence" about him - at times thinking he is the greatest thing since slice bread and at others, thinking he is the biggest wimp - this relationnship just does not work for me! Everything else, however, is perfect and I just love reading the daily going ons at this "private, secluded" school.

Reid writes very well and her YA novels are also enjoyable to adults (I am proof). She tends to write with a very down to earth style which I love and stays away from too many boring details and does not use methaphors that would be both unappreciated and unecessary. This is a great read.

1 comment:

bermudaonion said...

Gina and her boyfriend sound like my niece and her boyfriend! The book sounds like a lot of fun.

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