2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Friday, April 9, 2010

REVIEW for Tagged

Thank you to the wonderful Adam at Harlequin - who is both cool and a generous with his books!

TITLE: Tagged

AUTHOR: Mara Purnhagen


RATING: 4 Stars

When I first started reading this one, I was a little worried - I liked the whole "tagged" premise, but after reading the first few pages, I thought this book would be kind of a boring YA with vanilla characters who like to draw. Boy, was I wrong. Althoug the main character Kate is hardly a rebel without a cause, I actually grew to like her a lot, actually my interest in her grew just as she was growing, especially as she debated with herself (and her own conscience) just how far this whole tagged wall should be brought - especially considering who her dad was.

This book was certainly about the love of art (or is it vandalism in its purest form?) but it also a social commentary on how one person's form of expression can be somebody else's worry. It was amazing to read about how differently people react to the very same situation - this to me was the real value of this story.

All in all, Tagged was a good read, with a backstory that forces you to take a step back and analyze what is around you and more specifically what makes YOU tick, especially when it comes to viewing things in the right light.

1 comment:

bermudaonion said...

I like books that make me think like that. Thanks for your review.

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