2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

REVIEW for Tim Horton

Thank you to Lori at Fitzhenry & Whiteside for sending me this great little piece of Canadiana!

TITLE: Tim Horton
AUTHOR: Don Quinlan


RATING: 4 Stars

Okay, I have to admit that other than the Tim Horton coffee, I had absolutely no idea that this man also, at one time played hockey (albeit, it was NOT for THE only key team in hockey). So, I was completely fascinated to read this nifty little book.

This book is aimed at a YA audience, preferably one that enjoys all things hockey and it is extremely well written and well researched. Written in a very down to earth manner - obviously remembering the target audience, this book is extremely informative with some great little pictures - I thoroughly enjoyed it and it is certainly worth a good read over.

The books from this publishing house somehow always manage to combine the informative and the entertaining in one complete package.


bermudaonion said...

We had Canadian friends visit about a year ago and she filled me in on all things Tim Horton!

cindysloveofbooks said...

Tina I haven't read this book yet since you passed it on to me but I am really looking forward to readign this.

I knew a little bit about the man since I have to admit that I worked at Tim's for a few years when I lived in NB (before moving here) but looking forward to reading more about him.

Wall-to-wall books said...

Oh wow, I love Tim Hortons! Actually my hubby and I are going there today! I love their cappuccino!

Great post.

Donna said...

I'm like you, Tina. I had not idea that Tim Horton was a hockey player. Nice review!

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