2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

REVIEW For Lips Unsealed

Thank you to the great people at Random House Canada for so kindly sending me this book.

TITLE:                Lips Unsealed

AUTHOR:          Belinda Carlisle

GENRE:             Memoir

RATING:            4 Stars

As I read this book, two things came to mind - 1) I love that Carlisle was sooooo honest in her memoir and 2) Wow! I have lived a sheltered life.

Strangely enough, I discovered Carlisle only after she went solo - which meant that while I knew about the Go-Go's, I really did not have any idea just how much they shaped her life, but I soon discovered the reality :)

Carlisle is extremely honest about her life in this memoir, which immediately engaged me. I was quite surprised at some of the passages in the book as I always though, for some reason, that she "had it all together". However, she clearly shows us that her life, both personal and professional, has had its shares of ups and downs.

Nonetheless, no matter how "hard" some of the passages were to read, I never lost my empathy or respect for Belinda Carlisle who is clearly living the life she has been dealt, to the bext of her abilities.

Kudos for being so honest and for writing such an interesting memoir - I, for one, will definitely continue to be a fan.

BTW, I am a huge fan of book covers and I loved this one - beautiful shot of Belinda - without being too glamorous or over the top.


Wall-to-wall books said...

Oh I used to love the Go-go's! and Belinda! I think I still have my Go-go's album. That's dating me.
Didn't know she had a book out, thanks for the info.

bermudaonion said...

I loved the Go Go's! You've got me really curious about Carlisle's life now.

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