2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Monday, September 13, 2010

REVIEW For Beach Week

Thank you to author Susan Coll for so kindly sending me a copy of her book!

TITLE:               Beach Week

AUTHOR:         Susan Coll

GENRE:            Fiction

RATING:          3 Stars
First off, I have to say that Beach Week was NOT really what I thought it would be and that is okay.

However, I have mixed feelings about this novel. While I thought the premise of the book was very interesting - specifically a book dealing with parents AND teenagers - almost equally in a specific situation. I also thought that the writing was incredibly slow paced - way toooooo slow for my taste.

I liked that the author actually took a specific timeframe and basically wrote about it from kind of both the parents and the teenagers points of view - at times even showing how silly and ridiculous both sides can be/are. I am use to reading books with a strong focus on the teens - to this was a nice change. I also loved the, at times, sarcastic tone the author uses - although it is well muffled in the storyline.

However, wow! this book is sloooowwww. I found myself skipping entire pages and still being quite able to pick up the flow of the storyline. Either this book needed alot more editing or the author needed to shorten some of the passages.

Unfortunately, the pacing of a story is crucial for me - and, because of this, I have rated this 3 stars.


bermudaonion said...

I have to be in the right mood for a slow book, so this may not be for me.

Wall-to-wall books said...

Love the cover on this book, too bad it is slow. No time for slow books in my opinion!

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