2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Friday, January 21, 2011

REVIEW for Choker

Thank you to Simon & Schuster for sending me this book!

TITLE:               Choker

AUTHOR:          Elizabeth Woods

GENRE:             YA

RATING:           4 Stars

Okay, Choker was a great, great book and was a total surprise - especially if you rely on the first few pages - which are deceptively ordinary - making you think you are going to be reading the typical "high school" story of a young girl trying to fit in.

In actuality, this book is about a young girl trying to fit in, its about a young girl trying to rekindle an old friendship and its about people disappearing in a creepy, mysterious, scary manner.

In fact, after the first few pages, I started getting that tingly feeling up the back of my head - as I read and read the engrossing story - why are people disappearing and is Zoe the reason why?

Very well written, the author has a knack for building up the suspense - just at the right pace. The details in the story are perfect - giving us just enough information for us to be able to picture the scene and the people. The character development is excellent and I have to say that I had no clue who was responsible for what - actually I could not figure out the ending -until the end.

Perfect, creepy, spooky, engaging and totally surprising read making you wonder if you ever really know someone.


bermudaonion said...

Wow, you've really piqued my interest with that review.

Wall-to-wall books said...

Sounds great! Love your reviews, keep em comin!

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