2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

REVIEW for Famous

TITLE:                Famous

AUTHOR:          Todd Strasser

GENRE:             YA

RATING:            4 Stars

Thank you to the wonderful people at Simon & Schuster Canada for so kindly sending me this book.

The first thing I will say about this book is that you have to really be focused on it to be able to follow it all.

The plotline is very interesting, especially since it centers around celebrity and moral decisions that need to be made by a young adult who somehow has managed to take photographs of celebrity Willow that many people would pay alot of $$$ to get their hands on.

This plotline made me actually sit back and think - what would I have done, at that young age? I like to think that I would have taken the moral road, but since I have never been in the situation - who knows????

This is the strength of this YA novel - the morality -vs- immorality of celebrity and all the people who surround them - wanting fame, glory and more and more $$$ all the time.

However, having said that, I have to get back to my initial point - this book is told from a variety of perspectives, which I have to admit had me totally confused in the beginning. I am not a fan of this type of storyteling and I have to say that the book would have worked just as well if told by only one point of view, but once I got use to the constant changes of "voices" I found myself thoroughly enjoying this one.

I won't divulge the ending - suffice it to say that the story was one worth reading.

1 comment:

bermudaonion said...

I like a book that's told from different perspectives when the transition between each is well done.

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