2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Friday, January 28, 2011

REVIEW for Moolala

A big thank you to Jesse at Random House Canada for sending me this book!

TITLE:               Moolala

AUTHOR:          Bruce Sellery

GENRE:             Personal Finance

RATING:            4 Stars

I am a huge fan of personal finance books, especially since it took me years to get my own financial house in order.  I am, therefore, always looking for "inside" information and ideas on making sure that I don't get into debt again and, at this point in my life, make sure that I save and invest to the best of my ability.

Finances are tricky and that is why I love this type of book.  Bruce Sellery is another no-nonsense author who exposes (yep, exposes) the stupid things we do with our money and why, but more importantly how to stop doing it and to completely turn our financial views around.

Firstly, he focuses on being honest and tells it like it is, never making me feel stupid, but rather, as though I have been looking and focusing on the wrong things.  The author is great at pointing out the "whys" and "how to" - making my thinking process about money, finances and savings a little bit less stressful.

I felt, as I read this book that I had my own personal money coach sitting next to me.  This book covers pretty much everything you might want to know when it comes to stupid things people do with their money - with a solution to each stupidity!

Written for the lay person (me!) it is a must have. I have read and re-read a number of passages already and plan on using this one as a reference book.


Bruce Sellery said...

Thanks Bookshipper. I'm glad you liked it...

And I have to ask......What is your money for?

Anonymous said...

I loved the book too!

My partner and I have been trying to adopt for quite some time with no success.

By following the steps outlined in your book, we're hopefully going to be able to adopt a child from overseas.

Thanks for showing me the way!

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