2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

REVIEW for Junkie - A True Baltimore Story

Thank you to author Tia L. Lincoln for sending me a copy of this powerful book!

TITLE:                       Junkie- A True Baltimore Story

AUTHOR:                 Tia L. Lincoln

GENRE:                    Addiction

RATING:                  4 Stars

I read alot of memoirs about addiction and recovery and let me tell you, I have read my share of hard core storylines.

Having said that, Junkie - A True Baltimore Story is one of the hardest and most honest addiction tales I have ever come across.

Poochie never felt as though she fit in - until she discovered the amazing abilities of Heroin and, of course, crack cocaine. Her downwhirl story begins much earlier than when she takes that first "shot", but rather shows us that a junkie can easily and most often be one "in the making" way before they take that first hit of the drug.

What I loved about this story is the development of Poochie and how she constantly chooses the path of destruction, despite the fact that she, on many levels, knows better - the story of every addict.

The tale is harsh, honest, brutal and extremely well told. For anyone who is or has been addicted and for anyone who loves an addict, some part or all of this story will resonate with you.

This book is not for the faint of heart - its hard to read and made me cringe, cry and feel fear, sometimes all at the same time!

However, this book is an important addition to the world of books on addiction - telling the truth about this disease.

1 comment:

bermudaonion said...

Wow, that sounds like quite the powerful story!

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