2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

REVIEW for Prom and Prejudice

Thank you Scholastic Canada for sending me this great, great read!

TITLE:                   Prom & Prejudice

AUTHOR:              Elizabeth Eulberg

GENRE:                 YA

RATING:               4 Stars

I am an adult who absolutely enjoys reading a good “teen angst” book, especially if it is set in a school setting (not sure why, but there you have it).

Along comes Prom and Prejudice – which, apart from its completely clever title, fulfilled pretty much every one of my “teen angst” expectations and then some. From the very first page, I found myself completely engrossed in the storyline about our main character, a “scholarship” girl who finds herself thrown to the wolves in her exclusive school.

Lizzie is actually a very likeable character who is simply trying to survive the craziness of being in a school where money and prom are the only two things that count. Fortunately, the author chooses to give Lizzie a true friend – one who actually lives in that world, but has seen the good in Lizzie and managed to look pass the “scholarship” thing. This is actually one of the main plotlines as it will serve to propel the story forward quite a lot throughout the book.

Unlike some other similar storylines, the author has chosen to “make” some of her wealthy characters actually quite likeable – which works very well for the storyline.

Jane, Lizzie’s best friend needs to be fleshed out a little bit more and frankly, at times, I thought that Lizzie was going a bit overboard in trying to “be there for Jane” at every passing moment. I loved the Charles character who is, surprisingly, Jane’s romance and NOT Lizzie’s – which is not to say that Lizzie does not fall for someone – but is the feeling returned? That is the question.

The character of Darcy was a bit “blah” for my taste. I don’t really “get” what his problem was with Lizzie in the beginning of the book and I found him to be a bit of a contradiction – which at times was simply tedious.

Finally, although the Lydia character was crazy – crazy – it worked for me. She managed to propel the story forward and managed to make me feel sorry for her and hate her at the same time.

I have to say that the entire package here, for the most part, worked well and my only real complaint is that this book is way too short. Part 2 perhaps?


bermudaonion said...

I liked this book a lot and actually liked Darcy. I thought he was still upset about the incident with Wick the semester before.

Laura at Library of Clean Reads said...

Sounds like a fun read!

Wall-to-wall books said...

This sounds like a perfect one for the read-a-thon list!!!!

Books Etc. said...

My sister just bought this book! I'll definitely have to make sure I borrow it from her when she's done.

Samantha said...

Sounds like a good one!

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