2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

REVIEW for The Romeo and Juliet Code

Thank you, thank you to the wonderful Nikole at Scholastic Canada for sending me this book.

TITLE:          The Romeo and Juliet Code

AUTHOR:     Phoebe Stone

GENRE:        YA

RATING:       4 Stars

At first, I wasn't sure if I would love this book as it is set during World War II and I don't normally like novels that are set far into the past, especially if it involves the war.  Having said that, when I read the small blurb on the author's page, I thought it might be something that I would enjoy and I was completely right!

Yes, this novel is definitely about the war and this is one of the main themes in the book that propels the storyline foward.  However, the main character Felicity who is only 11 and lives in England gets firsthand knowledge about what war feels like.

It starts with her parents "moving" out of England and ending up in Maine with her relatives. Everything is new and she does not really understand why she has to leave her beloved England - but as she slowly, but surely discovers through experience, words and feelings, nothing is as it seems and life will never be the same again - thanks to the war and its ravages.

This story is both cute in many ways and very sad and poignant.  The author "teaches" both Felicity and the reader about the perils of war, intertwining the book's messages with Felicity's own daily happenings, including some unanswered questions about what is going on right under her nose.

I loved the pace of the storyline and I loved the subtle (at times) and not so subtle (at times) messages about life and how to live it to the best of your ability with the people you love, despite what is happening around you. This novel is about hope and friendship and accepting each other.

Loved it.

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