2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

REVIEW for books by Kimberly Joy Peters

Thank you to the wonderful people at Lobster Press (a Canadian based publishing company YEAH!) for sending me these wonderful books.

TITLE:          Definitely NOT Camelot                     TITLE:              Maybe Never, Maybe Now

AUTHOR:    Kimberly Joy Peters                            AUTHOR:        Kimberly Joy Peters

GENRE:        YA                                                        GENRE:            YA

RATING:      4 Stars                                                  RATING:          4 Stars

Kimberly Joy Peters has written a wonderful series of books, aimed mainly at a YA audience, but honestly, these books are entertaning enough to also address the older reader.

I read the first book in this series, Painting Caitlyn quite a while ago and I was surprised to discover that there are actually 3 more books associated with this series.  Actually, this is the one point that I would have to complain about a tiny bit - the way the books are set up.

Although there are 4 books - these are divided by two main characters - Ashley who is the star of the books Posing as Ashley and Definitely NOT Camelot and Caitlyn who stars in Painting Caitlyn and Maybe Never, Maybe Know.  Adding to the confusion is the fact that Ashley and Caitlyn are friends, which means they show up in each book and storyline.  This also means, however, that in order for the reader to figure out where they are in the storyline, the author chooses to backtrack on the previous books storyline a tiny bit.  I know this sounds confusing! and it kind of is. I never actually quite figured out which order to read these in (I am not sure there is one).

Having said that, I loved, loved the storyline of each book  These books are written with such sensitivity that I fell in love with all of the characters.  While the main characters are YA who are a combination of teenage angst and immaturity, they are also compelling, entertaining and, in many cases, making informed and mature decisions. 

I also loved the fact that the author chose a very difficult subject as the centerpiece of one of the storylines - abusive boyfriend and this theme will prevail throughout the entire series, without overshadowing the other intersting subplots.

The friendship between Ashley and Caitlyn is also very touching and because of the format of these books, we actually get to see the friendship from the point of view of both girls - as they explore the same plotline.

I think this series is smart and a must read for everyone who thinks that YA are all nuts and crazy these days - this book gives me faith!


bermudaonion said...

It almost sounds like each book could stand alone.

Wall-to-wall books said...

Hmmm, I am not sure about the "main character" thing, but other than that they do sound interesting, and fun.
Thanks for the idea!

cindysloveofbooks said...

Tina I think I might have to check out these books they sound like good reads.

Unknown said...

Sounds like a good read. At this moment I also would like to wish you all a nice trip to BEA

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