2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

REVIEW for The Family Naturopathic Encyclopedia

Thank you to the wonderful people at Fitzhenry & Whiteside for sending me this great, great reference book.

TITLE:           The Family Naturopathic Encyclopedia

AUTHOR:      Ted Snider and Linda Woolven

GENRE:         Medical

RATING:       4 Stars

I am a huge believer in trying to go the "all natural" route as much as possible. Having said that, I also find it very challenging to muddle my way through all the information and (mis) information that is floating out there on Naturopathic treatments. How on earth do you make sure that you are on the right and (safe) track?

Fortunately, there are some wonderfully written books that explore that very subject and, at the top of my list is the Family Naturopathic Encyclopedia.

This well written, extremely informative book will and can give you all the answers you might have. It addresses many ailments, mainly geared towards families as a whole. This means that you can get information about ailments that can hit every member of your family.

Written for the lay person, it sets out to demystify and to inform - in a concise and clear manner.

I love it and have added to my library. A book that I have already consulted on more than one occasion and will continue to do so in the future.

1 comment:

Wall-to-wall books said...

Hmmmmm, I am a huge fan of Alternative medicine and natural healing. I just don't know if this would be anything new to me, or anything I don't already have.
I'll check into it further.

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