2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

REVIEW for Confessions of a Call Center Gal

A big thank you goes out to the author, Lisa Lim, for sending me a copy of her book to read and review.

TITLE:             Confessions of a Call Center Gal

AUTHOR:        Lisa Lim

GENRE:          Chick Lit

RATING:         4 Stars

I am one of those people who has been bemoaning the fact that good chick lit is almost gone. Fortunately, I do, on occasion, come across a book that I somehow "missed" in my quests for "all things chick lit" and Confessions of a Call Center Gal is certainly one of those books.

Firstly, although I have never worked in a call center, I have always wondered what it must be like. In my role as a Human Resource Manager, I have had to hire several people during my career, but I have always shied away from positions where I would have to deal with "call center" hirings and, after reading this book, I will definitely be staying away.

The author does a wonderful job of showing us the "real" reality behind working in this type of environment and she does it with honesty and humour.

I found myself laughing out loud at some of the dialogue and actually went back to reread a few passages that I thought were very funny or, in my opinion, insightful.

The main character Maddie is alot of fun and gets herself into situations that were absolutely hilarious (and at times) touching to read about.

Reading this book was a joy. The only "somewhat" negative comment I would like to make is that I thought that, at times, the author went into too much detail about a situation. Otherwise, a great, great chick lit read that made my week!


Jennifer | Mrs Q Book Addict said...

I would really like to read this one. It sounds like a great read. I don't read much chick-lit but sometimes you need a fun read. Great post!

Lisa said...

Thanks so much for reading and taking the time to write this lovely review. I truly appreciate it.

bermudaonion said...

This does sound good. It would be nice to get a peek into that world.

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