2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

REVIEW for Riptide

A great thank you goes to ECW Press for sending me a copy of this book.

TITLE:         Riptide

AUTHOR:    Barbara Hale-Seubert

GENRE:       Memoir

RATING:      4 Stars

I have had the opportunity of reading some absolutely excellent books on the subject of eating disorders.  However, my favorite still remains memoirs and Riptide is right up there with the best.

Riptide is written by Barbara Hale-Seubert and is about her beautiful daughter, who died in 2000, because of the disease.  I loved the cover of this book and, as I read her story, it broke my heart, especially when I kept glancing back at that innocent face.

So much is written and commented about when it comes to food.  While to many, food is a social thing, a fun thing or simply is a "thing" to others, like Barbara and her daughter Erin (and to me) it is a deadly weapon.  It is constantly amazing to me to realize that so many people still have no concept of just how dangerous food can be to us.

Yes, food addiction (and all the unhealthy views and habits around it) IS a disease and in Riptide,  the author does a beautiful and touching job of detailing for us the pain and sorrow that something as "innocent" as food can cause.

Written with a gentle heart and a gentle hand, the author takes us through the harrowing journey that belonged to her family - because make no mistake, when someone is suffering from an eating disorder - everyone around this person also suffers.

I found myself crying at times, but i am always grateful that there are people like Barbara who have the courage to write their stories - thank you.

1 comment:

bermudaonion said...

This sounds like a powerful and important book.

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