2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

REVIEW for The Whole Package

A big thank you goes out to Penguin and the Berkley Publishing Group for so kindly sending me a copy of this wonderful book.

TITLE:                The Whole Package

AUTHOR:           Cynthia Elligsen

GENRE:              Contemporary fiction

RATING:            4 Stars

I have to be honest and say that I had never heard of this author before. However, since I am a huge fan of "chick lit" I wanted to read The Whole Package.

While I can't say that this is your usual "chick lit" story as it is more contemporary fiction, I will say that it had a healthy dose of "chick lit" humor, backed up by three very solid true to life experiences that made reading this book a joy.

I won't bother going into all of the "background" but rather, will start off by saying how much I loved reading about Doris, Cheryl and Jackie - the three main characters. They are all in their 40's now and have each lived "their" own lives, yet, none of it has come out the way they had planned. In fact, if you ask them, its all become one jumbled mess and certainly, none of them is living the lives they had dreamed of.

Enter - the friendship AND the idea! Opening a restaurant that caters to women.

What I loved best about this book was the feeling I got as I read each sentence - that life can be tough and can easily kick you in the teeth (not to mention derail your best laid plans) but that there are people around you who have been put there to help you get through the tough parts of life.

This book is about finding yourself, finding your path, but most of all discovering that you don't have to do it alone, that friends are there through the good and the bad.

The writing is touching with the perfect dose of humor. I never felt as though the dialogue was over the top or silly and in fact, I found myself re-reading a few passages as I thought they were truly "beautifull said".

Another bonus for me was the beautiful cover. I have to admit to judging a book by its cover and the cover for The Whole Package was simple but very, very eye catching. I thought it worked perfectly with the storyline.

A great read.

1 comment:

bermudaonion said...

I love books that explore women's friendships. This one sounds like a winner!

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