2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

IN MY MAILBOX - for week ending October 8, 2011

Wow! another week.  I feel as though I just blink and they are gone!!!

It was a pretty quiet week for me in the book department, although I did get a few goodies.

From Abe Boooks:

  • Bond Girl by Erin Duffy (which I am currently reading and LOVING!)
From the publisher for review:

  • The Great Fat Fraud by Mike Schatzki (I can never resist a book on this subject)
From my shopping trip to Chapters/Indigo:

  • Love Shrinks by Sharyn Wolf
  • Past Perfect by Leila Sales
I was also lucky enough to get 8 double passes for the premier of The Big Year featuring Steve Martin, Jack Black and Owen Wilson - courtesy of Simon & Schuster Canada!!! thank you!!!


bermudaonion said...

Wow, what a great mailbox! Books and movie passes.

Jennifer | Mrs Q Book Addict said...

Enjoy your new books! These are new to me, i'll be looking forward to your reviews.

cindysloveofbooks said...

Great mailbox Tina you got some books and movies gee all you need it tea to go with that.

Enjoy the books and the movie

Laura at Library of Clean Reads said...

Enjoy all your books and the movie! Too bad I couldn't make it in the end.

Donna said...

Glad you're enjoying Bond Girl, Tina. I hope the movie was/is good!

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