2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

REVIEW for Spirit Junkie

A huge thank you to Random House Canada for sending me a copy of this book!

TITLE:                 Spirit Junkie

AUTHOR:           Gabrielle Bernstein

GENRE:              Self Help

RATING:            4 Stars

When I first heard about Spirit Junkie, I have to admit that I was kind of expecting a light read about chakras and meditation - which is not a bad thing as I happen to be quite fascinated by these aspects.

However, what I found, instead was a very thoughtfully spiritual book about looking inside yourself in order to make yourself (and those around you) happy.  This book is focused on the concepts of A Course in Miracles which I more or less was interested in - but rather, my interest lay in the author's "take" and perception of A Course in Miracles and how she took the "core" of it (or her interpretation of the core) and turned it inwards in order to create a better and happier life (as well as a more enriched spiritual experience).

The result is a very entertaining, informative and thought provoking look at what it takes to be happy in your own life.  My special interest was directed at forgiveness, but through her own trial and errors and a lot of soul searching the author demonstrates her own very personal experiences toward growth and a happier, more fulfilling spiritual life.

I loves the easy manner in which the author tells her story and I thought that this book was great at provoking some soul searching of my own - something that I have discovered I actually sort of enjoy doing.

Wonderful read (p.s.:  don't let the cover fool you).

1 comment:

bermudaonion said...

Oh, I love books that make me think! This sounds good to me!

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