2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Monday, October 3, 2011

REVIEW for Rock Star's Girl

TITLE:               Rock Star's Girl

AUTHOR:         J. F. Kristin

GENRE:            Chick Lit

RATING:           3.5 Stars

I loved the premise of this book - it had a lot of potential and touched on a subject that many of us, including myself, have thought about over the years.  What if I could be a rock star's girl????

I was thrilled to read Rock Star's Girl and immediately dove into the book.  Of course, the fact that it is "chick litty" also made me really want to read this one.

First, let me say that the main characters in this book all had their flaws, including Emily who, as it turns out, becomes the Rock Star's Girl - without really trying.  Emily is pals with "wannabe" singer Jesse.  He invites her to hear him perform and this is where she meets Cory - the real rock star.

In what turns out to be a headline grabbing plot between Cory and Jesse (both with their very own agendas) Emily finds herself manipulated and used - unless she can do something about it.

I enjoyed the "turn of events" in the plotline - the author obviously decided to deviate from the more "expected" Emily and Cory live happily ever after in rockland.  I found the story interesting and credible and I also found myself despising the "rock stars" alot.  However, what surprised me was that, at times, Emilly bugged the heck out of me.  Despite her "awakening" to what what happening around her, she still managed to be a fool and it was very frustrating to read, over and over again.  Yet, at the same time, I found myself feeling for her and getting mad on her behalf.

One issue I had with this book was that it took a while to take off.  I really thought the first chapter was a little slow and for me, in many cases, this is the kiss of death.  Nonetheless, I persisted and ended up enjoying the storyline.


Samantha said...

Thanks for being a part of the tour!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for taking the time to read and review Rock Star's Girl, Tina. I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed the plotline. :)

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