2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

REVIEW for Point, Click, Love

Thank you, thank you Random House Canada for sending me a copy of this book to read and review.

TITLE:               Point, Click, Love

AUTHOR:         Molly Shapiro

GENRE:             Contemporary Women's Fiction

RATING:           4 Stars

This book was wonderful - that could be my entire review and I would stand by it.  But,  of course, I can never really just say that about any book, especially not a book that I enjoyed so much.

Firstly, Point, Click, Love made me think about just how difficult dating is/can be in today's world.  Of course, I already knew that, but somehow Shapiro put it all down on paper - all my impressions and thoughts about dating in the crazy world we live in. 

For those who have been married forever, just picture how your life would be if you were dating in the world of Facebook, Twitter and email.  Imagine all the selection you have - but also all the choices the men have.  Women of all types are but one click away for the man that you might be interested in.

Yep, dating is challenging today and Shapiro manages to tap into all of this, while, at the same time, keeping a sense of humour and optimism about dating and love.

I found this book uplifting, for the most part, and it was nice to see that I am not alone.  I also loved that the message that comes through is that love does exist and you can find it.  It may not be as easy as meeting the man of your dreams at a church social, but it can still happen.

Loved, loved the writing, the storytelling and the message.


Wall-to-wall books said...

Hmm sounds like an interesting book.
Yes, I really feel bad for my daughter (23) who is single. I find myself constantly saying to her - dating was not like that when I was your age!

bermudaonion said...

I've been married for 32 years and can't imagine would it would be like to date these days. This sounds like a winner!

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