2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

BLOG TOUR for The RX Factor

I was very happy to be asked to participate in this blog tour for this new suspense thriller.

TITLE:               The RX Factor

AUTHOR:          J. Thomas Shaw

GENRE:            Thriller


Most of the people who read my blog regularly have heard me bemoan the fact that there are very few "thrilling" thrillers being written it seems these last few years.

So, when a pitch sounds interesting to me, I immediately jump on it with the hopes of finding a great new suspenseful read.  Fortunately The RX Factor falls smack into that category.

The RX Factor is very topical in my opinion as it relates back to big pharma and all the power that these companies basically have over the population of the world.  This book makes you think about these companies and their shareholders - those who make millions and millions of dollars on other people's pain and suffering.

Main characters Ryan Matthews and Jordan Carver both have had their hardships in life and while Matthews is basically at the end of his rope (not to mention hope) he meets Carver - as fate would have it.
Both want to treat sick people and make them better, but in the process they come face to face with those who have other ideas which include making more money over the misery of others.

Matthews and Carver find themselves right in the center of it all and become targets themselves, which puts them in a vicious cat and mouse game - which may or may not give Matthews much needed answers from his past.

This book is very well crafted and most importantly - it is actually suspenseful.  While the subject matter itself (drugs and phama) could be boring, the author strives to make it all very "user friendly" for the average reader which means that we are informed without being bored.

I loved this exciting novel.

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