2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

REVIEW for Dead End Deal

Thank you to the publishers for sending me a copy of this book to read and review (e-book).

TITLE:                   Dead End Deal

AUTHOR:             Allen Wyler

GENRE:                Thriller


Writing a thriller is a very tricky thing and I think the one thing I would like authors to keep in mind is that in order to keep me interested, you have to write a killer opening chapter.

Unfortunately, this is not the case with Dead End Deal which almost made me give up the book after reading a few slow chapters.  However, I had committed to writing an honest review of this book and the only way to do what was to read the entire book.

To my surprise, I found myself actually getting into the storyline of this medical thriller as the pages progressed.

Jon Ritter (unfortunately, I kept thinking about the actor with the same name) is actually an interesting and engaging main character, even if he seems to make decisions that are not always in his best interest?  Of course, this is part of what makes this storyline work. I like that he is smart and usually trying to go for the ‘higher good’ and I absolutely loved the fact that the more advanced his research gets, the more people are attracted to him, to his work and to potentially preventing him from becoming successful.

Ritter finds himself an unwitting target and the main storyline which is, of course, about medical research and its impacts, it is also a pretty fun ride into a dark world where everyone seems to have their own agendas and nobody will hesitate to kill to get their own way.

This book actually made me think about medical research and exactly what the cost of it truly ends up being.

1 comment:

bermudaonion said...

I do like a good medical thriller, but agree with you that a thriller needs to have an exciting beginning.

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