2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

REVIEW for The 7% Solution

Thank you to the publishers for sending me a copy of this book to read and review.

TITLE:         The 7% Solution

AUTHOR:    John H. Graves

GENRE:       Finance


I am at that point in my life where it seems as though retirement is now an ever present ‘danger’ in my life.  When I use the word ‘danger’ I am referring to the fact that while retirement is about 17 years away (thanks to a new law by the Canadian government), I worry, as do many other people.
Unfortunately, I was not the generation which was raised on RRSP’s and the need for frugality.  In fact, since I am at the very, very tail end of the boomers, I was kind of raised in between two financial thought patterns – you need to save, but don’t worry too much about it, retirement is still so far away and something will turn up.  This means that while I have been saving, I probably could have done a much, much better job – how depressing.

This is why I need (so do many other people) books like the 7% solution – guides that can help you tap into your sources of income, which can help you make a plan – and hopefully stick to it.

While I have to admit that this book did not have any earth shattering suggestions or recommendations, I liked that the author takes a very hands on, proactive approach to retirement. 
I like that he simply states that frugality and saving are at the cornerstone of a sound retirement.  No punches pulled – just the basic truth!
This book about taking action NOW! Regardless of where you are in your life – retirement will come soon enough and you need to be prepared.

The tone of the book is encouraging and even a little soothing and the author knows his audience – which means he writes for the lay person, without sounding preachy or condescending. 
A great reference book to help you plot a clear and concise path.

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