2025 Reading Challenge

2025 Reading Challenge
Tina has read 0 books toward her goal of 40 books.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

REVIEW for Shadow of Night

TITLE:                Shadow of Night

AUTHOR:           Deborah Harkness

GENRE:              YA



“You will not be alone either, Philippe de Clermont, “I’ll find a way to be with you in the darkness, I promise. And when you think the whole world has abandoned you, I’ll be there, holding your hand.” “How could it be otherwise, “Philippe said gently, “when you are in my heart?”
Philippe is Matthew’s dad, who we meet in book 2, and you don’t want to like him. He is from another time and follows another set of rules. Oh, but he crawls right in, making you love him.

This book was so good! It starts right where the other left us and takes you right into Elizabethan London. Diana has the chance to visit what she has only read and studied about! But all is as not as she thought......oh but what a journey this book was. I loved how much I learned. It was a history lesson at the same time!

It was better paced than book 1, and just flowed nicely. One of my complaints from the first book, (why Diana didn’t use her powers), gets answered more fully, and she finally gets a hold on herself and has more backbone. Their relationship heats up, but could have used more “dating” time. I found that they got thrown in to an awful lot even before being “together” for a month!

I have fallen in love with these characters and their extended family. It’s reminiscent of a Josephine Cox saga.  Much is explained, but now I have to wait for book 3?  That is making me very sad.....I can’t wait to read more about the de Clermont family.

1 comment:

bermudaonion said...

My sister is really looking forward to this book - I don't think it's for me.

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